As the speculations on cancellation of UP Board exams 2021 are on the rise, Uttar Pradesh Deputy CM Dinesh Sharma has hinted that the final decision on the UPMSP (Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad) Class 10 and Class 12 board exam will be communicated after 20 May 2021.Β
A total of 29,94,312 students have registered for the UP Board Class 12 and 10 examinations and are currently awaiting the final decision from the board. Last week, Sharma has stated that the last decision regarding the UP Board exam 2021 will be taken after due consultation with UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath.Β
UP Board exams 2021 have been extended twice till date. At first, they were scheduled to begin on 8 May 2021, but were postponed due to the panchayat elections. The second time, they were extended till 20 May 2021 due to the uprising of COVID-19 cases in the state.Β
However, ever since the news of several officers (who handle the operations of board examination in the state) becoming coronavirus positive and not being able to join work started doing the rounds, the demand for cancellation of UP Board exams grew.Β
As of now, it is advisable for the students to keep a frequent check on the official website of UP Board to keep themselves updated.Β
Recently, the Uttar Pradesh Government announced the postponement of the Uttar Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test (UPTET) 2021. As a result, the release of UPTET notification, previously scheduled for 11 May 2021, has also been delayed.Β This decision was taken after the exam regulatory authority sent a proposal to the Uttar Pradesh government to postpone the UPTET exam this year because of the rising coronavirus cases in the state. The state government accepted the proposal after careful consideration and postponed the exams (till the release of further notification).