SSC CHSL Cutoff – Expected & Previous Years’ Cutoffs, Key Information

Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has released the SSC CHSL cutoff 2021 along with the revised result of SSC CHSL n 3rd January 2022. The post-wise and category-wise SSC CHSL cutoff was released on the official website of SSC ( SSC CHSL cutoff 2021 is the minimum marks candidates need to obtain in order to qualify for the subsequent tier exam. Hence, it is mandatory for the candidates to qualify the cutoff for Tier I exam to appear for Tier II exam, and then qualify the cutoff for Tier II exam to get selected for Tier III exam of SSC CHSL. 

The commission considers various factors such as number of examinees, difficulty level of the exam, number of vacancies, etc. while preparing the cutoff. While the SSC CHSL Tier I cutoff varies each year, candidates need to score at least 33% marks to qualify Tier II exam. 

Candidates must note that SSC does not release SSC CHSL Tier III cutoff as it is a 15-minute skill/typing test which is strictly qualifying in nature. Hence, the final cutoffs (based on which the final recruitments take place) are released for all the candidates who clear the SSC CHSL Tier III exam on the basis of their performance in Tier I and Tier II exams. 

SSC CHSL Cutoff – Key Highlights

  1. The Staff Selection Commission has the authoritative rights to decide the SSC CHSL cutoff.
  2. The commission releases the tier-wise SSC CHSL results as well as SSC CHSL cutoff 2021.
  3. Every year, lakhs of candidates appear for the SSC CHSL exam. With an increase in the applications, the SSC CHSL cutoff also increases.
  4. SSC CHSL cutoff is the minimum normalised score to be obtained by a candidate to qualify for subsequent tier/round of the SSC CHSL recruitment process.
  5. The descriptive paper (Tier II) will have a fixed qualifying cutoff set at 33% of the total score. This means that the candidates have to score at least 33% in Tier II to get selected for the Tier III exam, irrespective of their score in Tier I.
  6. The commission doesn’t release a proper cutoff for SSC CHSL Tier III exam. Only the acceptable error percentage in the skill test/typing test is announced.  

SSC CHSL Cutoff – Factors Determining CHSL Cut-off

The Staff Selection Commission considers numerous factors while deciding SSC CHSL cutoff 2021. Variables responsible for the upward or downward movement of SSC CHSL cutoff during a particular year are: 

  1. Number of vacancies
  2. Difficulty level of exam
  3. Number of test-takers
  4. Previous years’ trends of SSC CHSL cutoff
  5. Overall performance of the candidates, etc.

Expected SSC CHSL Cutoff 2021-22

The SSC CHSL cutoff 2021 will release along with the result. Candidates can expect the SSC CHSL cutoff score for the UR (unreserved) category to lie within the range mentioned in the table below. 

SSC CHSL Tier 1 2021 cut off

Category Cut-off Marks Candidates Available
General 159.52440 8321*
SC 136.10355 7566
ST 127.32836 3557
OBC 156.10198 12380
EWS 149.98152 7074
ESM 87.32036 3987
OH 124.36599 608
HH 81.08020 575
VH 123.78857 535
Other PwD 74.32943 253
Total 44856

Full Forms of the Posts under SSC CHSL

  1. LDC – Lower Divisional Clerk
  2. JSA – Junior Secretariat Assistant 
  3. PA – Postal Assistant 
  4. SA – Sorting Assistant 
  5. DEO – Data Entry Operator 

SSC CHSL Cutoff 2021-22 after Tier I

The Staff Selection Commission prepares the Tier I SSC CHSL cutoff to shortlist candidates for Tier II (Descriptive Test). SSC CHSL 2021 cutoff which is to be released after the conduct of Tier I exam will have the following features:

  1. SSC CHSL Tier I exam carries a maximum of 200 marks. Cutoff after SSC CHSL Tier I exam will be set accordingly. 
  2. There are no fixed minimum qualifying marks. Only the SSC CHSL cutoff 2020 will decide the eligibility of the candidate for the Descriptive Test (Tier II).
  3. In order to select the candidates as per the SSC CHSL cutoff for Tier I, the normalized* scores of the candidates will be taken into account. 

*As the Tier I examination is held in multiple shifts, the difficulty level of SSC CHSL question papers varies in each round.  Hence, the Staff Selection Commission uses the process of normalization in order to equalize the scores of all the examinees. 

SSC CHSL Cutoff 2021-22 after Tier II

The SSC CHSL Tier-II exam is a descriptive test of 100 marks containing an essay writing task and letter/application writing. Candidates will be able to check the SSC CHSL cutoff of Tier II along with the release of its result. Features of SSC CHSL Tier II cutoff are as follows:

  1. The scores of candidates in Tier I and Tier II exams are combined to check their eligibility for the subsequent round. 
  2. However, candidates need to qualify the SSC CHSL Tier II cutoff (33% marks) individually too to get their names shortlisted for skill test/typing test i.e. Tier III. 

Example – Suppose, a candidate performs brilliantly in Tier 1 exam and scores 190 marks out of 200 but he/she scores 30 marks out of 100 marks in Tier II. In such a case, he/she shall be disqualified for Tier III even if his/her overall score in Tier I & II is much more than the cutoff score.   

  • Candidates whose score out of 300 (Tier I + Tier II) will be greater than or equal to the SSC CHSL cutoff list are eligible for taking DEST/typing test

SSC CHSL Cutoff 2021-22 for Tier III

The tier III exam is qualifying in nature. So, the SSC CHSL cutoff 2021-22 for the Tier III exam will not be released.  Candidates qualifying the minimum requirements of the skill test/typing test will appear for the document verification as the final step of the SSC CHSL recruitment process. 

  1. The Staff Selection Commission considers the accuracy and error percentage in the skill test/typing test to assess the performance of the candidates in Tier III exam.
  2. The SSC CHSL cutoff 2021-22 for Tier III will just include the error percentage of candidates in the skill/typing test.

Previous Years’ SSC CHSL Cutoff 

The Staff Selection Commission will release the final SSC CHSL cutoff 2021-22 after combining the scores of the candidates in Tier I and Tier II. Until the release of the SSC CHSL cutoff 2021-22, candidates can check the table below to know the previous years’ SSC CHSL cutoff trends.

SSC CHSL Cutoff 2019 (Tier-I)

Category DEO in C and AG DEO (Other than C and AG) LDC/JSA and PA/SA
UR 165.93 181.47 135.6
OBC 161.72 178.45 133.74
EWS 163.75 127.25
SC 145.52 110.09
OH 129.42 102.75
ST 136.74 99.09
VH 84.87
HH 98.86 58.43
ESM 117.13 56.11
Other PWD 50

SSC CHSL Cutoff 2019 (Tier-II)

Category DEO in C and AG DEO (Other than C and AG) LDC/JSA and PA/SA
UR 223.60 252.06 190.33
OBC 212.09 243.43 167.07
EWS _ _ 161.31
SC 181.48 143.93
OH 184.41 139.36
ST 185.15 133.80
VH 123.54
ESM 148.04 97.82
HH _ 93.50
Other PwD _ _ 93.07

SSC CHSL Cutoff 2018 (Tier I)

Category SSC CHSL Cutoff for 2018
UR 143.50
OBC 139.50
SC 122.50
OH 111.50
ST 112.00
VH 95.50
HH 73.50
ESM 83.00

SSC CHSL Cutoff 2018 (Tier-II)

Category DEO in C and AG DEO (Other than C and AG) LDC/JSA and PA/SA
UR 227.50 239.50 199.00
OBC 224.50 237.00 192.00
SC 210.50 _ 174.50
OH 198.00 _ 173.50
ST 206.50 215.50 167.00
VH _ _ 155.50
ESM 180.00 _ 1336.00
HH _ 125.50

SSC CHSL Tier III 2018 (Error Percentage in Skill/Typing Test)

Cut-off on the percentage of mistakes in the skill test and typing test is as follows.

Category SSC CHSL Cutoff for Skill Test SSC CHSL Cutoff for Typing Test
SC 7% 10%
ST 7% 10%
OBC 7% 10%
ESM 7% 10%
OH 7% 10%
HH 7% 10%
VH 7% 10%
UR 5% 7%

SSC CHSL 2018 Recruitment Statistics

Check out the statistics of the post and category-wise number of candidates selected for different government job vacancies in the table below.


Category Vacancies Number of Recommendations
SC 355 355
ST 208 208
OBC 717 717
UR 1366 1366
Total 2646 2646
ESM 132 104
OH 28 28
HH 19 19
VH 19 19


Category Vacancies Number of Recommendations
SC 440 440
ST 199 199
OBC 712 712
UR 1871 1871
Total 3222 3222
ESM 295 154
OH 39 39
HH 38 38
VH 38 38


Category Vacancies Number of Recommendations
SC 0 0
ST 1 1
OBC 1 1
UR 4 4
Total 6 6

Number of Recommendations – This is an official term coined by the commission to refer to the number of candidates selected against the number of available vacancies.  

SSC CHSL Cutoff – FAQs

✔️ Will the SSC CHSL cutoff 2021-22 be the same for different posts?

No. The SSC CHSL cutoff score for all the posts will be set differently, considering numerous factors such as the number of vacancies, the difficulty level of exam, number of test-takers, etc.

✔️ Will I be able to check the SSC CHSL cutoff score or just the merit list?

Will I be able to check the SSC CHSL cutoff score or just the merit list?

✔️ Is there any sectional cutoff for qualifying the SSC CHSL 2021-22?

No, candidates need to qualify the overall SSC CHSL cutoff to get shortlisted for the subsequent round/tier of SSC CHSL recruitment process.

✔️ Does the Staff Selection Commission release one cut off list?

Yes, the Staff Selection Commission will release a separate SSC CHSL cutoff for all the categories. Candidates can claim the reservation against the category only if they present the applicable category certificate during the document verification under the SSC CHSL recruitment process.

✔️ When can I expect the release of SSC CHSL cutoff 2021-22 for Tier I?

The Staff Selection Commission usually releases the SSC CHSL result for Tier I within two months of conducting the exam.

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  1. Source of Information: Buddy4Study app compiles details on scholarships/fellowships from government websites and private scholarship sources. Links to the official sources accompany each listing detail pages.
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