KCET Syllabus – Subject-wise Topics, Exam Pattern, Important Books

Karnataka Examination Authority (KEA) has released the KCET syllabus 2020. The syllabus includes the topics to be prepared in Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry and Biology. Department of Pre-University Education of Karnataka State directs the candidates to look into the  1st and 2nd year PUC (Pre-university Course) syllabus, around which the KCET syllabus revolves. 

KCET examination dates for the year 2020 are officially declared. The exam will take place on July 30 and July 31, 2020 in four sessions (two on each day). Mathematics and Biology papers are scheduled on July 30 while papers of Physics and Chemistry will be held on July 31. Each paper will contain 60 MCQs. Candidates will be given 80 minutes to finish each one of the papers. 

As the KCET exam pattern is also a part of the syllabus, candidates must learn about the same to keep their KCET 2020 preparation on the right track. The medium of KCET exam will be English and Kannada. Get comprehensive information about KCET 2020 syllabus, exam pattern and preparation tips in this article. 

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KCET Syllabus – Overview  

After having a complete know-how of KCET 2020 syllabus, candidates can easily prepare an effective study plan to inch closer towards success in Karnataka Common Entrance Test. The syllabus of KCET comprises topics of Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics separately. 

Read more:- KCET Result – Dates, Checking Process, Scorecard & Merit List Details

KCET Syllabus for Mathematics (PUC 1st and 2nd year)

KCET 2020 syllabus is as same as the PUC 1st and 2nd year syllabus defined by the Department of Pre-University Education of Karnataka State. The related topics and chapters pertaining to mathematics section are mentioned below in tabular form: 

KCET Mathematics Syllabus Based on PUC Ist Year

Chapters  Topics
Introduction to 3D Geometry
  1. Coordinate axes and coordinate planes in three dimensions 
  2. Coordinates of a point 
  3. Distance between two points 
  4. Section formula and problems
Mathematical Reasoning 
  1. Definition of proposition and problems 
  2. Logical connectives 
  3. Compound proposition 
  4. Quantifier 
  5. Negation problems
  1. Measure of dispersion 
  2. Range 
  3. Mean deviation 
  4. Variance and standard deviation of ungrouped/grouped data 
  5. Analysis of frequency distributions
Principle Of Mathematical Induction
  1. Process of the proof by induction 
  2. Motivating the application of the method by looking at natural numbers 
  3. The principle of mathematical induction 
  4. Simple problems based on summation
Complex Numbers And Quadratic Equations
  1. Need for complex numbers, especially √
  2. Brief description of algebraic properties of complex numbers 
  3. Solution of quadratic equations in the complex number system 
  4. Square-root of a Complex number given in supplement and problems
Linear Inequalities
  1. Linear inequalities 
  2. Algebraic solutions of linear inequalities in one variable
  3. Graphical solution of linear inequalities in two variables 
  4. Solution of system of linear inequalities in two variables -graphically and examples
Permutation And Combination
  1. Fundamental principle of counting
  2. Factorial and Permutations
  3. Permutation when all the objects are not distinct, problems. Combinations: Definition, examples 
  4. Proving nCr= nPr r!, nCr = nCn-r; nCr +nCr-1 = n+1Cr
Binomial Theorem 
  1. Statement and proof of the binomial theorem for positive integral indices 
  2. Pascal’s triangle, general and middle term in binomial expansion 
  3. Problems based on expansion finding any term, term independent of x, middle term, coefficient of xr .
  1. Empty Set 
  2. Finite and Infinite sets 
  3. Equal sets 
  4. Subsets 
  5. Subsets of the set of real numbers especially intervals (with notations) 
  6. Power set 
  7. Universal set 
  8. Union and intersection of sets 
  9. Difference of sets 
  10. Complement of a set 
  11. Properties of Complement sets 
  12. Simple practical problems on union and intersection of two sets

KCET Mathematics Syllabus Based on PUC IInd Year

Chapters  Topics 
Inverse Trigonometric Functions
  1. Definition 
  2. Range 
  3. Domain 
  4. Principal value branches 
  5. Mentioning domain 
  6. Range of trigonometric and inverse trigonometric functions 
  7. Conversion of one inverse trigonometric function to another
  1. Column matrix 
  2. Row matrix 
  3. Rectangular matrix 
  4. Square matrix 
  5. Zero matrix 
  6. Diagonal matrix 
  7. Scalar matrix and unit matrix 
  8. Equality of matrices 
  9. Scalar multiplication of matrices 
  10. Transpose of a matrix 
  11. Symmetric and skew symmetric matrices
  12. Concept of elementary row and column operations
Applications of Integrals 
  1. Area under the curve 
  2. Area under simple curves, especially lines, arcs of circles/parabolas/ellipses 
  3. Area bounded by two above said curves: problems
Linear Programming 
  1. Introduction of L.P.P. 
  2. Definition of constraints 
  3. Objective function 
  4. Optimization 
  5. Constraint equations 
  6. Non- negativity restrictions 
  7. Mathematical formulation-mathematical formulation of L.P.P 
  8. Different types of L.P.P

KCET Syllabus for Chemistry (PUC 1st and 2nd year)

KCET 2020 syllabus for Chemistry section will cover the topics of PUC 1st and 2nd year syllabus. Fetch the 1st year and 2nd year PUC syllabus from the tables below:

KCET Chemistry Syllabus Based on PUC Ist Year

Chapters  Topics 
Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry 
  1. General introduction: Importance and scope of chemistry 
  2. Properties of matter and their measurement
  3. Laws of chemical combination 
  4. Dalton’s atomic theory 
  5. Atomic and molecular masses 
  6. Avogadro constant, mole and molar mass 
  7. Reactions in solutions
Classification of Elements & Periodicity in Properties 
  1. Significance of classification 
  2. Mendeleev periodic law 
  3. Henry Moseley observation based on X- ray spectra of elements, account of groups, periods, s, p, d and f blocks 
  4. Periodic trends in properties of elements with reason
  1. Thermodynamic terms – concepts of system, surroundings, Internal energy: as a state function, work and heat 
  2. Exothermic and endothermic reactions 
  3. Heat capacity & specific heat 
  4. Thermochemical equations- examples , enthalpy of a reaction 
  5. Spontaneous and non-spontaneous processes
Redox Reactions 
  1. Concept of oxidation and reduction 
  2. Redox reactions 
  3. Oxidation number 
  4. Oxidation, reduction, oxidizing agent/oxidant 
  5. Types of redox reactions
  1. Position of hydrogen in periodic table 
  2. Reaction with halogens, dioxygen, physical properties, chemical properties, dinitrogen, Hydrides – classification 
  3. Dihydrogen as a fuel – meaning of hydrogen economy
s – Block Elements 
  1. Group – I & Group – II: elements electronic configuration, occurrence, trends in ionization enthalpy, hydration enthalpy, atomic and ionic radii 
  2. Anomalous properties of lithium 
  3. Preparation and properties of some compounds
  4. Biological importance of sodium and potassium
Some p – Block Elements 
  1. General introduction to p– block elements-electronic configuration, oxidation states, inert pair effect, anomalous behaviour of first member of each group 
  2. Group 13 elements 
  3. Group – 14 elements, Carbon: anomalous behaviour, reason, catenation, allotropic form
Environmental Chemistry
  1. Environmental pollution 
  2. Air pollution or troposphere pollution
  3. Stratospheric Pollution 
  4. Water pollution 
  5. Soil pollution 
  6. Strategies to control environmental pollution 
  7. Green chemistry: Introduction, green chemistry in day-to-day life

KCET Chemistry Syllabus Based on PUC IInd Year

Chapters Topics 
Solid State 
  1. General characteristics of solids: amorphous and crystalline solids 
  2. Classification of crystalline solids 
  3. Definitions – lattice point, crystal lattice, unit cell, coordination number 
  4. Close packing in two dimensional and three dimensional lattices 
  5. Point defects-types 
  6. Electrical properties
  1. Types of Solutions – binary – gaseous, liquid and solids 
  2. Solution of liquid in liquid 
  3. Solution of a solid in a liquid 
  4. Raoult’s law 
  5. Numerical problems on determination of molar mass using colligative properties 
  6. Abnormal molar mass
Surface Chemistry 
  1. Adsorption: adsorbate, adsorbent, examples, distinction between adsorption and absorption 
  2. Physisorption and chemisorption 
  3. Catalysis: homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis 
  4. Classification of colloids-types of colloidal systems 
  5. Properties of colloids: Tyndall effect 
  6. Brownian movement
General Principles & Processes of Element Isolation
  1. Principles and methods of extraction: concentration of ores, hydraulic washing, magnetic separation, froth floatation, leaching of alumina from bauxite, roasting and calcination, extraction of different metals 
  2. Refining: principles and examples each for distillation
Coordination Compounds 
  1. General introduction to salts, difference between double salt and coordination, Coordination entity, central metal ion, coordination number 
  2. Werner’s theory 
  3. CFT (crystal field theory) 
  4. Spectrochemical series, compare weak field ligand 
  5. Isomerism 
  6. Stereoisomerism 
  7. Importance of coordination compounds
Haloalkanes and Haloarenes
  1. Classification based on hybridization of carbon, Preparation from alcohols 
  2. Physical properties 
  3. Reactions of haloalkanes 
  4. Nucleophilic substitution reactions 
  5. Optical isomerism 
  6. Elimination reaction ( ß elimination
  7. Haloarenes 
  8. Electrophilic substitution reactions for chlorobenzene 
  9. Reaction with metals
Alcohol, Phenols, and Ethers 
  1. Classification: mono, di, tri ,allylic, and benzylic alcohols, mono, di and trihydric phenols
  2. Preparation of alcohols 
  3. Preparation of phenol 
  4. Physical and Chemical properties of primary alcohols 
  5. Esterification and acylation of alcohols/phenols
  6. Reactions of phenol
Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen
  1. Amines: Structure of amines, classification
  2. Methods of preparation: Reduction of nitrobenzene, reduction of nitrile and amide
  3. Physical and Chemical properties 
  4. Diazonium salts 
  5. Retention of diazo group
  1. Polymer, monomer, polymerization, macromolecule 
  2. Classification: source, structure, types (mode) of polymerization 
  3. Methods of polymerization 
  4. Name of monomer/s and partial structure for the polymers 
  5. Rubber 
  6. Non-biodegradable polymers
  1. Carbohydrates: classification-based on hydrolysis 
  2. Glucose 
  3. Disaccharide 
  4. Polysaccharides 
  5. Proteins 
  6. Classification of α-amino acids 
  7. Hormones 
  8. Vitamins 
  9. Nucleic acids
Chemistry in Everyday Life 
  1. Chemicals in medicines: drugs, chemotherapy – different classes of drugs- antacids, etc.
  2. Chemicals in food: artificial sweetening agents, preservatives; Cleansing agents: soaps, process of saponification with equation

KCET Syllabus for Physics (PUC 1st and 2nd Year)

KCET 2020 syllabus for Physics consists of the topics from PUC 1st and 2nd year syllabus. Find the details of KCET physics syllabus below:

KCET Physics Syllabus Based on PUC Ist Year

Chapters  Topics 
Physical World 
  1. Scope and excitement of physics 
  2. Physics, technology and society 
  3. Mention of fundamental forces in nature
  4. Nature of physical laws
Unit of Measurement 
  1. Unit of measurement 
  2. System of units 
  3. SI units 
  4. Fundamental and derived units 
  5. Length, mass and time measurements
  6. Accuracy and precision of measuring instruments 
  7. Dimensions of physical quantities – Dimensional analysis and its applications
Motion in a Straight Line 
  1. Definitions of path length and displacement
  2. Definitions of average speed and average velocity, instantaneous speed and instantaneous velocity & uniform and non-uniform motion 
  3. Uniformly accelerated motion 
  4. Elementary concepts of differentiation and integration for describing motion
  1. Kepler’s laws of planetary motion 
  2. Acceleration due to gravity: Derivation of relation between g and G
  3. Gravitational potential energy: Derivation of gravitational potential energy 
  4. Earth satellites
Mechanical Properties of Solids 
  1. Elasticity and plasticity 
  2. Elastic behavior of solids 
  3. Stress and strain 
  4. Hooke’s law 
  5. Stress-strain curve 
  6. Elastic moduli: Definitions and expressions of Young’s modulus 
  7. Bulk modulus
Mechanical Properties of Fluids 
  1. Pressure 
  2. Derivation of pressure at a point inside a liquid
  3. Gauge pressure 
  4. Pascal’s law: Statement and its applications, Streamline flow 
  5. Bernoulli’s principle 
  6. Viscosity 
  7. Reynolds number 
  8. Surface tension
  1. Thermal equilibrium 
  2. Laws of Thermodynamics 
  3. Adiabatic process 
  4. Heat engines 
  5. Refrigerators 
  6. Reversible and irreversible processes
Kinetic Theory 
  1. Equation of state of a perfect gas 
  2. Kinetic theory of an ideal gas 
  3. Degrees of freedom 
  4. Law of equipartition of energy: Statement and application to specific heat capacities of monatomic, diatomic and polyatomic gases
  5. Concept of mean free path
  1. Periodic and oscillatory motion: Definitions of Period and Frequency 
  2. Displacement as a function of time
  3. Periodic functions
  4. Simple harmonic motion
  5. Oscillations due to a spring

KCET Physics Syllabus Based on PUC IInd Year

Chapters  Topics 
Magnetism & Matter 
  1. Bar magnet: Properties of magnetic field lines
  2. Gauss law in magnetism 
  3. Earth’s magnetic field and its elements
  4. Magnetic properties of materials 
  5. Hysteresis 
  6. Hysteresis loop, definitions of retentivity and coercivity
Electromagnetic Induction 
  1. Experiments of Faraday and Henry 
  2. Lenz’s law, Inductance – Mutual inductance
  3. Self-inductance 
  4. AC generator
Alternating Current 
  1. Mention of expression for instantaneous, peak and rms values of alternating current and voltage 
  2. AC voltage applied to a resistor 
  3. AC voltage applied to an inductor 
  4. AC voltage applied to series LCR circuit
  5. Mention of expression for power in ac circuit
  6. LC oscillations
Electromagnetic Waves 
  1. Displacement current 
  2. Need for displacement current
  3. Expression for displacement current
  4. Expression for Ampere-Maxwell law
  5. Electromagnetic waves
  6. Electromagnetic spectrum 
  1. Alpha particle scattering 
  2. Schematic diagram of Geiger-Marsden experiment 
  3. Rutherford’s model of an atom 
  4. Atomic spectra
  5. Bohr model of hydrogen atom 
  6. Derivation of energy of electron in stationary states of hydrogen atom
  1. Definition of atomic mass unit 
  2. Isotopes, isobars and isotones 
  3. Explanation of mass defect and binding energy
  4. Nuclear fission and nuclear fusion
  5. Radioactivity
Communication Systems 
  1. Block diagram of generalized communication system 
  2. Transducer 
  3. Signal 
  4. Noise 
  5. Transmitter 
  6. Receiver 
  7. Attenuation
  8. Bandwidth of transmission medium for coaxial cable, free space and optical fibers 
  9. Propagation of electromagnetic waves

KCET Syllabus for Biology (PUC 1st and 2nd Year)

KCET syllabus for the biology contains the below given topics as per the PUC I and II syllabus:

KCET Biology Syllabus Based on PUC Ist Year

Chapters  Topics
Body Fluids & Circulation 
  1. Composition of blood 
  2. Blood groups 
  3. Coagulation of blood 
  4. Composition and functions of Lymph 
  5. Human circulatory system 
  6. Structure of human heart and blood vessels
  7. Disorders of circulatory system Hypertension
Excretory Products & their Elimination 
  1. Modes of excretion 
  2. Ammonotelism 
  3. Ureotelism
  4. Human excretory system-structure and function 
  5. Urine formulation
  6. Osmoregulation 
  7. Regulation of kidney function
Locomotion & Movement 
  1. Types of movement ciliary, flagellar, muscular
  2. Skeletal muscle – contractile proteins and muscle 
  3. Disorders of muscular and skeletal system, Muscular dystrophy 
  4. Arthritis 
  5. Osteoporosis and Gout
Natural Control & Coordination 
  1. Human nervous system 
  2. Central Nervous system 
  3. Peripheral Nervous system and Visceral Nervous system 
  4. Structure of a neuron
  5. Generation and conduction of nerve impulse
Plant Growth & Development 
  1. Phases and rate of plant growth 
  2. Condition of growth 
  3. Differentiation, dedifferentiation and redifferentiation 
  4. Growth regulators-auxin, gibberellin, cytokinin, ethylene 
  5. Photoperiodism 
  6. Vernalisation

KCET Biology Syllabus Based on PUC IInd Year

Chapters  Topics 
Microbes for Human Welfare 
  1. Microbes in household products 
  2. Microbes In Industrial Product
  3. Microbes In Sewage Treatment 
  4. Microbes In The Production Of Biogas
  5. Microbes As Biocontrol Agents 
  6. Microbes As Biofertilizers
Biotech Principles & Processes 
  1. Principles of Biotechnology
  2. Tools of Recombination 
  3. DNA Technology 
  4. Restriction Enzymes 
  5. Cloning Vectors 
  6. Processes of Recombinant DNA Technology
  7. Isolation of the Genetic Material (DNA)
  8. Obtaining the Foreign Gene Product
Biotech – Applications 
  1. Biotechnology Applications in Agricultural BT Cotton 
  2. Biotechnological Applications in Medicine, Genetically Engineered Insulin 
  3. Gene Therapy
Organism & Population 
  1. Organisms and its Environment 
  2. Major Abiotic Factors
  3. Responses to Abiotic Factors 
  4. Adaptations 
  5. Population Attributes 
  6. Population Growth 
  7. Population Interactions
  1. Ecosystem Structure and Function 
  2. Productivity 
  3. Decomposition 
  4. Ecological Pyramids 
  5. Succession of Plants 
  6. Nutrient Cycling 
  7. Ecosystem Carbon Cycle 
  8. Ecosystem Services

KCET Exam Pattern 2020

Candidates should also be well-versed with the KCET paper pattern to frame an ideal preparation plan. Some major highlights of KCET 2020 exam pattern are as under:

  1. The mode of exam is offline, i.e. pen and paper based
  2. There are multiple type questions in the KCET question paper
  3. KCET exam will be held separately for Mathematics/Biology, Chemistry and Physics 
  4. Every subject contains 60 objective type questions 
  5. Candidates will have 80 minutes to solve each KCET question paper
  6. One mark is given for every right answer
  7. No provision of negative marking is there in the question paper

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Learn about the exam timings and section-wise breakup of questions in the below given table:

KCET Exam Timings and Section-wise Questions

Exam Schedule Exam Timings Section-wise Questions
July 30, 2020 10.30 am to 11.50 am (Biology) & 02.30 pm to 03.50 pm (Mathematics) 60 each (in Biology and Mathematics)
July 31, 2020 10.30 am to 11.50 am (Physics) & 02.30 pm to 03.50 pm (Chemistry) 60 each (in Physics and Chemistry)
August 1, 2020 11.30 am to 12.30 pm (Kannada Language Test)

Most Recommended Books for KCET 2020 Preparation

Apart from the NCERT text books, experts suggest the below-listed books for KCET exam preparation:

Sections Books
Physics Objective Physics MCQ – By Disha Experts
Chemistry Karnataka CET Chemistry – By Ravinder Chadha
Mathematics Karnataka CET Maths – By D.P Arora
Biology Objective Biology MCQ – By Disha Experts
For all subjects  Karnataka CET Solved Paper of 16 Years – By Arihant

KCET Syllabus – FAQs 

✔️ What is the mode of KCET exam?

KCET exam will be held in offline mode i.e pen and paper-based method. Candidates must follow the exam-related instructions as given in the KCET admit card to fill the OMR sheets in an ideal manner.

✔️ Is the KCET 2020 syllabus covered in NCERT books

Yes, candidates must refer to NCERT books of class 11th & 12th to cover the overall KCET syllabus 2020. These NCERT textbooks cover all the related topics and sections impeccably.

✔️ How many marks are allotted for correct answers in KCET exam? Is there any clause for negative marking?

As per the marking scheme of KCET exam, candidates will get one mark for every right response and no deduction of marks is applicable on wrong answers.

✔️ If I mark different answers in the KCET question paper in both English and Kannada language, will I be given marks?

In such a case, the answer given in English will be considered and if it is right, 1 mark shall be awarded to the candidates.

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  1. Source of Information: Buddy4Study app compiles details on scholarships/fellowships from government websites and private scholarship sources. Links to the official sources accompany each listing detail pages.
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