ICAI announces CA Exam Opt-Out Scheme 2020. Read all Details

Amid rising concerns over the conduct of CA exams during COVID-19, the past few weeks have been tiresome for both the candidates and the exam authorities. In its attempt to pacify the students, The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) has issued a notification declaring the ‘Opt-Out’ scheme for CA November 2020 examination

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Who all can avail the CA Exam November 2020 Opt-Out Scheme?

As per the institute, students who have successfully submitted an online application for ICAI November 2020 cycle can avail the ‘Opt-Out’ scheme, provided they fulfil any of the following conditions:

A. Students who are currently COVID-19 positive or have symptoms of COVID-19 at any time up to the conclusion of exams


B. Students whose family members (with whom the students are staying) are COVID-19 positive or become COVID-19 positive at any time up to the conclusion of exams


C. If the area in which the student’s residence is located is declared as a Containment Zone by the Central Government/State Government/Local Authorities at any time up to the conclusion of exams

Important Note:

(i) In case a student appears for some of the papers in a particular group and subsequently opts out for any of the reasons as mentioned in (A) to (C) above, he/she has to appear for all papers of the Group in the next examination cycle. In short, shifting of some of the paper(s) of the same Group is not allowed
(ii) In case a student appears for all papers in a Group and subsequently opts out for other group for any of the reasons as mentioned in (A) to (C) above, then the Group in which he/she has appeared shall be taken as completely appeared and the student has to write other group in the next examination cycle.

CA Exam November 2020 Opt-Out Scheme – More Important Details

  • The ICAI notification further noted, “In this case, the examination fees and exemption, if any, of the particular student will automatically be shifted and carried forward to next examination i.e. November 2020 cycle-II and this attempt (November 2020) will not be counted. The student will not be required to apply afresh or pay any fees for November 2020 Examination cycle-II at the relevant time.”
  • For the students who avail the Opt-Out scheme, the detailed schedule for the November 2020 exam cycle-II will be released after December 15, 2020. 
  • The students satisfying any of the above mentioned Opt-Out conditions may opt out from the CA November 2020 examination and appear for the CA May 2021 exam at his/her discretion. However, in such a case, the students will have to fill and submit a fresh exam form for May 2021. The examination fee of such students will be adjusted and only differential fee will be charged. (In case a candidate has filled the form for November 2020 exams for one group only and in May 2021 exams cycle, he/she opts to appear in both groups, then, he/she will be required to pay the differential fees).

How to avail the CA Opt-Out Facility?

Students can read the notification on the PROCEDURE FOR AVAILING OPT-OUT FACILITY HERE

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