GATE Result 2021 – Dates, Checking Results, Previous Years’ Cutoffs

IIT Bombay will declare the GATE 2021 exam results (in online mode) in the month of March 2021, tentatively. Candidates will need their GATE enrolment number or their registered credentials to access and check their GATE results. . Along with the scores secured by the candidates in the GATE exam, All India Rank (AIR) and other information will also be enlisted in the GATE 2021 result. The authorities will calculate the GATE scores by using the raw scores secured by the candidates in their respective GATE paper. 

Authorities adopt a normalization process for the GATE papers which have multiple sessions. After a week of GATE result announcement, the candidates can download their GATE scorecards. It must be noted that the scorecard is issued for only those candidates who qualify the GATE exam, whereas the result is announced for all the GATE test-takers. Aspirants qualifying the GATE 2021 exam will be eligible for admissions into various IITs, NITs, IIITs, ISCs, and various PSUs recruitment. Candidates must go through the complete article to gain detailed insights of the GATE result 2021.

Important Update- IIT Bombay recently released a notification on their official website- regarding the schedule for the GATE 2021. The registration process commences from September 11 2020 through GOAPS. The deadline for the GATE 2021 registration is 30th September 2020. The GATE 2021 exam will be conducted on the 5,6,7,12,13 and 14th February 2021 respectively. 

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GATE Result – Highlights

  1. IIT Bombay will declare the result for GATE 2021 in online mode in the month of March 2021, expectedly.
  2. Candidates will be able to access and check their result at the GOAPS portal (GATE Online Application Processing System).
  3. Aspirants will require their GATE enrolment number or registration ID along with the password to log in GOAPS and check their results.
  4. By the third week of March 2021, tentatively, the candidates qualifying GATE 2021 exam will be able to download their scorecards.
  5. Details like registration number, gender, name of examination paper, scores secured, All India rank, and qualifying marks for each paper will be enlisted in the GATE result.
  6. GATE scores will be valid for 3 years from the date of announcement of the results.

GATE Result – When will the authorities declare the GATE Result 2021?

The official dates for the declaration of the GATE 2021 result are yet to be announced by the authorities. We have given tentative dates for the reference of the candidates in the table below. 

GATE Important Dates 2021

Event Dates
Conduct of GATE 2021 Exam Feb 5,6,7,12,13 and 14 2021
Release of provisional GATE answer key Third week of February, 2021
Release of final answer key Second week of March, 2021
Declaration of GATE 2021 result Second week of March, 2021
Availability of scorecard Third week of March, 2021

GATE Result – How can I check the GATE Result 2021?

The result for GATE 2021 will be announced in online mode and will be available at GATE Online Application Processing System (GOAPS). Candidates should login to GOAPS in order to access and check their results. Aspirants need to follow the steps given below –

  1. Go to the GOAPS portal and login using your registered credentials (enrolment ID or registered email address and password)
  2. After logging in, click on the ‘result’ tab
  3. The candidates will be redirected to their GATE 2021 result window. Along with the other details, the qualifying cut off for GATE will also be mentioned.

GATE Result – What details will be mentioned on the GATE Result 2021?

It is advisable for the candidates to go through the details mentioned on the GATE Result carefully. In case of any error or discrepancy, the candidates must immediately contact the Zonal IIT. The details enlisted on the result for GATE 2021 are mentioned below: 

  1. All India Rank (AIR) secured
  2. GATE qualifying marks
  3. Registration number
  4. GATE paper and code
  5. Marks obtained out of 100
  6. Name of the candidate
  7. Scores secured out of 1000

GATE Result – How will the authorities calculate the scores for GATE Result 2021?

As discussed above, the authorities will use the raw or actual marks obtained by the candidates for calculating the scores secured by them. The raw marks obtained by the candidates in different sessions will be converted to normalized marks for that particular subject, for multi-session papers (subjects).

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calculation of normalized marks for multi-session papers

On the basis of the fundamental assumption that, “in all multi-session GATE papers, the distribution of abilities of candidates is the same across all the sessions”, the authorities will calculate the normalized scores for multi sessions exams. This assumption is completely justified as the candidates are allocated exam sessions randomly and the number of appearing candidates is very large. Based on this, the authorities will follow the below mentioned formula for calculation of the normalized scores –

formula for calculation of the normalized scores

For other papers, except CS, CE, EC, ME, and EE, the authorities will use the following formula-

CS, CE, EC, ME, and EE, the authorities will use the following formula

GATE Result – Scorecard

As discussed above, only those candidates will be able to download their scorecards for the exam who will qualify the GATE 2021 exam as per qualifying cut off. By logging in to the GOAPS portal using their registered credentials, the candidates will be able to access and download their scorecard. It is advisable to the candidates to keep their scorecards safe with them for future reference, reason being, the GATE scores are valid for 3 years from the date of declaration of result. To download their GATE scorecard 2021, the candidates can follow the below mentioned steps –

  1. Visit the GOAPS portal and go to the direct link given to download the scorecard.
  2. Login using your registered email ID or enrolment number and password
  3. The candidates will be now redirected to their scorecard window and will be able to download the PDF file of scorecard.
  4. Candidates must take a print out of the same and keep it safe with them for future reference.

Details to be enlisted on GATE 2021 Scorecard

  1. All India Rank secured
  2. GATE score out of 1000
  3. Registration Number
  4. Gender
  5. Marks secured out of 100
  6. Name of the GATE paper
  7. Number of candidates who appeared for the particular paper
  8. Qualifying marks for different categories

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GATE Result – Previous Years’ Cut off

GATE qualifying cut off is set before the result declaration by the conducting institute of the respective year. The cut off scores for GATE 2021 are yet to be released by the authorities. For the meantime, we have given the previous years’ data for the reference of the candidates below.

GATE 2020 Statistics:

Details Figures
Total Applicants 858890
Appeared Candidates 685088 (79.76%)
Qualified Candidates 128797 approx (18.8%)

GATE Qualifying Cutoff 2020:

Paper Name Paper Code General Category Candidates
Aerospace Engineering AE 27.2
Agricultural Engineering AG 26.3
Architecture and Planning AR 34.8
Biomedical Engineering BM 25.0
Biotechnology BT 30.7
Chemical Engineering CH 35.7
Chemistry CY 26.7
Civil Engineering CE 32.9
Computer Science and Information Technology CS 28.5
Ecology and Evolution EY 42.2
Electrical Engineering EE 33.4
Electronics and Communication Engineering EC 28.8
Engineering Sciences Minor XE 26.0
Geology GG 38.4
Geophysics GG 51.9
Instrumentation Engineering IN 34.6
Life Sciences XL 31.7
Mathematics MA 25
Mechanical Engineering ME 34.0
Metallurgical Engineering MT 49.2
Mining Engineering MN 32.7
Petroleum Engineering PE 39.8
Physics PH 37.2
Production and Industrial Engineering PI 36.6
Statistics ST 25
Textile Engineering and Fibre Science TF 37.1
Paper Name Paper Code OBC (NCL) Candidates
Aerospace Engineering AE 24.4
Agricultural Engineering AG 23.6
Architecture and Planning AR 31.3
Biomedical Engineering BM 22.5
Biotechnology BT 27.6
Chemical Engineering CH 32.1
Chemistry CY 24.0
Civil Engineering CE 29.6
Computer Science and Information Technology CS 25.6
Ecology and Evolution EY 37.9
Electrical Engineering EE 30.0
Electronics and Communication Engineering EC 25.9
Engineering Sciences Minor XE 23.4
Geology GG 34.5
Geophysics GG 46.7
Instrumentation Engineering IN 31.1
Life Sciences XL 28.5
Mathematics MA 22.5
Mechanical Engineering ME 30.6
Metallurgical Engineering MT 44.2
Mining Engineering MN 29.4
Petroleum Engineering PE 35.8
Physics PH 33.4
Production and Industrial Engineering PI 32.9
Statistics ST 22.5
Textile Engineering and Fibre Science TF 33.3
Paper Name Paper Code SC/ST/PwD Candidates
Aerospace Engineering AE 18.1
Agricultural Engineering AG 17.5
Architecture and Planning AR 23.2
Biomedical Engineering BM 16.6
Biotechnology BT 20.4
Chemical Engineering CH 23.8
Chemistry CY 17.8
Civil Engineering CE 21.9
Computer Science and Information Technology CS 19.0
Ecology and Evolution EY 28.1
Electrical Engineering EE 22.2
Electronics and Communication Engineering EC 19.2
Engineering Sciences Minor XE 17.3
Geology GG 25.6
Geophysics GG 34.6
Instrumentation Engineering IN 23.0
Life Sciences XL 21.1
Mathematics MA 16.7
Mechanical Engineering ME 22.6
Metallurgical Engineering MT 32.8
Mining Engineering MN 21.8
Petroleum Engineering PE 26.5
Physics PH 24.8
Production and Industrial Engineering PI 24.4
Statistics ST 16.6
Textile Engineering and Fibre Science TF 24.7

GATE Toppers List 2020

The performance of toppers always motivates and inspires the aspirants. Let’s have a sneak peek into the previous year’s GATE toppers.    

Name of the Toppers Marks out of 100 GATE Paper
Ajay Singhal 90.77  Civil Engineering
Sumil Dewda 90.77  Civil Engineering
Vikash Kumar 86.88  Mechanical Engineering
Harshita Sharma 8 5.3 Physics
Ganesh Shivajirao Kulkarni 41.67 Biomedical Engineering
Pradeen Singh 54.67 Mathematics
Pramit Das 64.67 Statistics
Krishan Panja 70.33 Chemistry
Kintan Shah 72 Architecture and Planning
Priyanshu Maheswari 73.33 Mining Engineering
Tamoghna Chowdhury 73.33 Life Sciences
Pranav Milind Deo 73.67 Biotechnology
Devendra Singh Negi 76 Engineering Sciences
Gaurav Kumar 76.67 Petroleum Engineering
Vikrant Chauhan 77 Agricultural Engineering
Bharath Kumar K 81 Aerospace Engineering
Kalpit Agrawal 82 Electronics and Communication Engineering
A Pavankumar Reddy 82 Electronics and Communication Engineering
Rohan Nandy 82 Geology
Naraharisetty Sai Sandeep 82.33 Instrumentation Engineering
Krishna Singh Rajput 82.33 Instrumentation Engineering
Upendra Kumar Gunta 83 Geophysics
Jaya Gupta 83 Metallurgical Engineering
Sveekruth Sheshagiri Pai 84 Ecology and Evolution
Sachin Singh Naruka 86.67 Chemical Engineering
Abhash Rai 87.33 Electrical Engineering
Suryansh Garg 88 Production and Industrial Engineering
Priya Rathore 89.33 Textile Engineering and Fibre


Hitesh Poply 91 Computer Science and Information Technology

GATE Counselling 

GATE aspirants, who successfully score as per the qualifying cut off and then the admission cut off of any of the GATE participating institutes, are eligible for counselling. IITs conduct the counselling rounds through COAP (Common Offer Acceptance Portal) whereas candidates seeking M.Tech admission at NITs or CFTIs need to register for CCMT (Centralized Counselling for M. Tech).     

GATE Result – FAQS

Q. When will the authorities declare the GATE result 2021?

It is expected that in the month of March 2021, the authorities may declare the result for GATE 2021 in online mode.

Q. Who will be responsible for declaration of the GATE 2021 result?

IIT Bombay will be responsible for handling all the activities and events of the GATE exam for the year 2021. Every year, the institute that hosts the GATE exam organizes all the relevant exam events.

Q. How can I access the GATE result?

To check and access their results for GATE, the candidates will be required to login to GOAPS using their registered credentials.

Q. What information will be enlisted in the GATE result 2021?

Details about the candidate, scores secured by the candidates, GATE qualifying exams, All India Rank, and other relevant information will be enlisted in the GATE result.

Q. Are GATE results and scorecard different?

Yes, the result for GATE will be declared for all the aspirants taking up the GATE test, whereas the scorecards will be issued to only those candidates who will be qualifying the GATE exam.

Q. What is the validity period of the GATE scorecard?

The GATE scorecard remains valid for a period of three academic years.

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  1. Source of Information: Buddy4Study app compiles details on scholarships/fellowships from government websites and private scholarship sources. Links to the official sources accompany each listing detail pages.
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